
rather be lucky than good, or good than lucky?

so what is luck, anyway? is it getting whatever you feel like having all the time - your dream job, dream car, dream house, dream girl? is it the ability to drivethrough a speed trap on a deserted road at 4 a.m. doing 80 in a 45 and not get pulled over? is it tony clark's double off keith foulke in game 4 somehow defying physics and bouncing over the right field fence or the patriots winning the super bowl three times in four years?

i'm bored with these questions... i don't know what the fuck luck is, all i know is some people have it and some people don't and other people get to really experience it on certain few-and-far-between occasions which probably makes it cooler, you know?

ok so i promise that all of the posts won't be like this one, which is to say pretentious and slightly maddening... most of what you read on this spot will be about sports... its just that i think i've just come to a major decision and it's all making me feel a little pretentious and well, mad...

so just to prove that this is all being done in good faith, i will now attempt to leave you with a link to something rather hilarious - if i can figure out how to get a link on here without the help of my webhead buddies who are asleep right now because they work normal-people hours... so here goes - apologies if it doesn't work... everyone have a good day... i'm going to bed...



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